Glitch In the Epoch

Deb Morris

Supervisor: Anna Johnson

In 2001, inside the walls of Melbourne’s GPO, a computer terminal short-circuited and resulted in the inner lining of its recent retail fit-out burning to the ground. The shell remained.

With the post-Anthropocene creeping up on humanity, I have teamed up with the guilty-as-charged computer – only this time it has taken the more innocent role of ‘naturebot’; a collaborative AI system. 

Throughout the entirety of this project together, we schemed, debated and presented ideas to each other on what we can do with the Melbourne GPO – more respectfully this time. 

We both agreed to revise this historical piece to be the cities landmark public space, where the proximity between nature and human is adjusted and interactions revised. How can we currently call an over-manicured garden bed and a cold steel seat public space? Is it really a public space if you do not consider our native flora and fauna?

This method of subverting the current architectural process releases partial design authorship from the human while taking a step away from the repetitive cycle architects have been stuck in for years – architectural human centrism.

Our project presents a Glitch in the Epoch – pigeon spikes are not welcome.

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